Selfish ( Giovanni Antignano )
2024, Dec. 21/22 - 28/29
InharmoniCity, an experimental film by Selfish. This film examines the intricate interplay between urban environments and their inhabitants, capturing the dissonance and harmony of city life through a series of evocative sketches.
Employing innovative cinematographic techniques, InharmoniCity explores themes of isolation, community, and the ever-evolving urban landscape. By juxtaposing contrasting scenes and sounds, the film invites viewers to reflect on their experiences within urban spaces and question their role in shaping the modern metropolis.
1.“Girl Running” (8:48)
2.“Invisible Words” (12:20)
3.“…from the Past…out of the Future…” (40:36)
Giovanni Antignano(Selfish)監督による実験映画InharmoniCityの上映をお知らせします。この映画は、都市環境とその住民との複雑な相互作用を探り、スケッチのシリーズを通じて都市生活における不協和音と調和を描き出します。
1. “Girl Running” (8:48)
2. “Invisible Words” (12:20)
3. “…from the Past…out of the Future…” (40:36)
Giovanni Antignanoはイタリア出身で、現在は東京を拠点に活動しています。dstry studioおよび独立系出版社zerofeedbackの創設者でもあります。1990年代後半から2011年まで、Selfishという名義で活動し、先端的な電子音楽とビジュアル実験の境界を追求してきました。2011年に東京へ移住して以来、彼の創作の焦点は写真と視覚的ストーリーテリングへと移り、特に都市探索や都市景観の文脈で活動を続けています。Giovanniの作品は、現代都市生活の複雑さへの興味を反映しており、モダニティ、孤独、そして相互接続性のテーマを融合させています。
Born in Italy and now based in Tokyo, Giovanni Antignano is the founder of ‘dstry studio’ and ‘zerofeedback’. From the late 1990s to 2011, Giovanni was active under the alias Selfish, pushing the boundaries of visual experimentation alongside cutting-edge electronic sound. Since moving to Tokyo in 2011, his creative focus has shifted to photography and visual storytelling, particularly in the context of urban exploration and cityscapes. Giovanni’s work continues to reflect his fascination with the complexities of city life, blending themes of modernity, isolation, and interconnectedness.