Quintin H. O'Connell
2024, October 5-13
Quintin H. O'Connell (b. 1998) is an American image-maker working primarily in photography and printmaking. His work explores the complexities of identity, belonging, and the search for meaning, often informed by his background in sociology and continental philosophy
ANOMIE エミール・デュルケームの社会学に由来する深遠な概念を基にしており、規範が失われた状態を指します。この状態は、個人とその社会との結びつきが弱まり、不確実性と道徳的曖昧さの中で漂うような状況を生み出します。
ANOMIE, draws on a profound concept from Émile Durkheim's sociology, referring to a state of normlessness. This state arises when the social bonds connecting individuals to their community erode, leaving them adrift in uncertainty and moral ambiguity.
Durkheim's research on anomie, particularly in the context of rising suicide rates, revealed the critical link between social integration and normative regulation. When societal norms lose their influence, individuals often feel disoriented and isolated.
This body of work explores psycho-social anomie—a form of disconnection and alienation felt by those observing society's embrace of behaviors that damage the natural world and inhibit human growth. Despite this sense of isolation, the works reveal a hidden beauty in quiet, solitary moments, inviting viewers to reflect on the fragile harmony that persists amid the dissonance of modern life.