Katsumi Nishizawa

Silent Land

2025, March 8-16

Katsumi Nishizawa is a photographer who creates works through his travels. From Russia to various destinations, he continues to capture the quiet moments and fleeting beauty hidden in everyday life. Beyond visual aesthetics, he seeks to evoke unseen emotions through his photography, creating works that resonate deeply in the hearts of viewers

西澤克見 | Katsumi Nishizawa 1994年、東京都生まれ。 西澤克見は、旅を通じて作品を制作する写真家である。ロシアをはじめとする旅先で、日常の中にある静けさや儚い美しさを記録し続けている。視覚的な美しさを超え、写真を通じて目に見えない感情を呼び起こし、鑑賞者の心に深く響く作品を目指している。


I sought to capture the quiet melancholy that lingers in the air of Russia. The silence enveloping the streets felt as if time itself had come to a halt. In the shadows of everyday life, solitude and stillness gently intertwined, creating a silent dialogue that seemed to unfold without words.

Through the countless stories hidden within this silence, I hope to convey the fleeting essence of passing time. Beyond mere visual beauty, I wish for the unseen emotions captured in these photographs to quietly resonate in the hearts of those who view them.

homezero / art space